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New Moon in Cancer: Manifesting A Home-Life Focus.

Writer's picture: Mystic Moon Momma Mystic Moon Momma

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

I am a believer of the Full and New Moons taking place over a series of days... Three to be specific. I feel this way considering the fact that in astrology we think of planetaries being in conjunction if they are within eight degrees of one another. That number can be increased to ten if talking about either of the luminaries. The thought being our ego and emotional nature are more so affected by the energies which surround them than say an outer planet, such as Saturn, would be to any transiting object.

With the understanding of degrees, and knowing it takes about three days to pass outside that ten-degree mark of a New Moon's conjunction, or in the Full Moons case, opposition to the Sun, these Moons are not single night monthly occurrences. So, while the latest New Moon "took place" on the seventeenth, here on the evening of the eighteenth we are still but two percent illuminated. As so, this is a time of quiet work, intentional magick, and purposeful manifesting.

The contrast between the Capricorn Full Moon earlier in the month and that of the Cancer New Moon currently is quite profound. Where the former had us more focused on our careers and public goals, the latter calls us to envision what a nurturing space means for us? Do you need organization and a structured design in order to feel comfortable within your spaces?

Perhaps you are one that feels most at home when surrounded by dopamine decor. Where someone else might feel it erratic and sensory overload to have piles of books, numerous throws sprawled about, and/or countless knick-knacks placed every which way, to you those optics can bring a sense of belonging when you pass through the threshold of your home.

Then again, it may not be about the visuals at all, but rather a feeling. One that says you can hold space for yourself and loved ones within the given four corners of your home. And that being paramount to you. Regardless of which avenues resonate for each of us, we are being called to actively pursue changes that will benefit the mental wellbeing and emotional fulfillment of those under our roofs.

The insight I draw when I look ahead to this month's transits and forecast are that while earth and water are quite different, we are still talking two cardinal signs. These are energies that are largely self-sufficient and creative in accomplishing what they set out to do. May this month have been or will be a time that you set about focusing on your professional ambitions in balance and equal measure of the importance you place on your personal needs.

Blessings unto thee, & so it is.


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