Our ascendant sign becomes the mask we wear when presenting ourselves to the outside world…. While our Sun sign may influence our dominant traits, the sign attached to our ascendant is how we wish others to see us, often their first impression of us, and in many ways how we see ourselves....
First House: Our Body/Self Image/Physicality/Attitude Towards Assertion
Aries ... In general, having Arian energy opening one's chart means they are all action. These souls typically do not have any issue asserting themselves as this is the sign which naturally rules the First House... All the push towards affirming oneself though can leave them reckless with their emotional needs and those of others at times. Self-care can suffer with this placement and so can one's relationships... It becomes important to know one's limits here so that when they feel life's lows approaching, such as emotional or physical burnout, they can acknowledge and adjust accordingly. This is often best accomplished through bodily rest or practicing spiritual retreat.
Taurus ... These souls are very much Venus's child. With this Ascendant there always comes an earthy vibe added to one's Sun energy… Individuals with Taurus in the First House present as very likable and jovial persons, who enjoy life to the fullest! They are likely called to collect nice things as they appreciate art, and this comes through in others' perception of them being “Worldly”. All the while there is a grounding energy present that brings realism to one's personality.
Gemini ...Depending on other aspects of the chart to have a Gemini ascendant could leave one slightly scatterbrained as their mind is perpetually on the move ... These individuals are extremely skilled in communicating with others and knowing how to approach new people, often making a very pleasant, friendly, and charismatic impression... With Gemini represented by Mercury and having said planet so dominantly influence ones' personality means the process of thought as well as words, intelligence, and the art of changing faces becomes a big part of their story... That is not to say that this sign is too faced, only that their opinions can change rapidly from how they interact with others depending on new variables brought into any given situation or whom they are interacting with. As so, it's not unusual for these personalities to have multiple circles of friends with them acting one way with one group and another with the others.
Cancer ... To have Cancer in the First speaks to a personality that is focused on home and family... Their caring disposition stems from their loyalty, that of which they are proud of... These are souls willing to sacrifice for their loved ones, not surprising as the Cancer zodiac itself revolves around family and emotion... But this does not find a natural setting in the First House which is naturally geared towards the "I Am" and not the " We Are"... This ascendant position having an overly sensitive zodiac can leave one without feeling physically or emotionally strong/independent... And as you would suspect, confidences can be an issue for those that hold Cancer in the First...
Leo ... Leo ascendants tend to be very ego-based making these personalities quite fiery! This leads them to be a very brave individuals, always available to show themself in a positive light, no matter the challenging circumstances... People with Leo in the First tend to be very active and engaging, therefore enjoying the outdoors and physical activity are favored pastimes... They as well love to love and be loved... Admiration is enticing for these individuals and thus always find themselves well-groomed and dressed trying to put forward a polished appearance.... What must be overtaken here is the sense of vanity in order to find happiness... These individuals would do well to embrace their individuality and highlight what makes them unique, not necessarily what they think will make them popular.
Virgo ... Those with a Virgo ascendant come across as grounded and intelligent... There is a plethora of mental clarity that comes with this ascendant, yet those with this earth assignment in the First can get hung up on the details of life.... They struggle with having faith in the bigger picture, namely due to their talent of seeing all the flaws and pitfalls along any path which presents itself. This then prevents these individuals from getting out of their own way so they might actually enjoy the journey laid before them... While it is not wise to relay on others for their happiness, they do well to surround themselves with personalities who'll remind them to live a little. This proves easier suggested than done, as while they are driven to service others, there is often unresolved trust issues making being vulnerable a chore.
Libra ... Similar to Leo ascendants it is very important for these personalities to feel like they are always well-dressed but here being well-behaved is just as important. Never one to really want to stand out, balance and harmony is where they feel most comfortable.... The downside to this ascendant though, is that personal boundaries are not a strong suit.... Along with putting a high value on balance and beauty, they as well do so with their partnerships... Known as being the peacemakers in the circles they run in, they will literally exhaust themselves in order to mend relationships ... A lot of times going farther than they would wish in order to satisfy somebody they care for and to their own detriment. One of the key things that this ascendant will learn throughout their life's journey, is that sometimes conflict is inevitable, and it can bring about positive change. Not all conflict needs to be avoided.
Scorpio ... Intensity and determination are major players when it comes to how a Scorpio ascendant will portray themselves to others... Having this deep-water sign here makes for a depth of emotions as well... These souls present as clever, creative, and at all times resourceful... As so this makes them great in leadership roles... A keen power of observation accompanies this placement and feeds their ability to pull people's secrets from them without revealing too much about themselves in the process... While they most certainly are captivating personalities, they are not ones that will be searching for attention the majority of the time, as they are otherwise quite comfortable behind the scenes.
Sagittarius ... Sagittarian energy is always one to favor ones' independence... Those with this fire First House will absolutely not want to be stifled by anybody when it comes to perusing positive growth, progression towards an exciting future, or their want to be optimistic... Impatience on their behalf stems from the former when often their 'glass half full' mindsets are met with judgement or patronized as immature... This can lead to these personalities showing a rebellious nature in response to others intolerance for their enthusiasm... When this occurs, they will most definitely find their independent streak trying to assert itself to the point they can be deemed 'wild'... It will be natural for them to have wider perspectives than most, but yet strong convictions... This accompanied by a want to fight for the bigger picture will entangle itself if they ever find their habit of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses being to their own determent.
Capricorn ... Those with Capricorn ascendants tend to be practical and material minded. 'Slow and steady wins the race' being their forever motto. With there always being a greater goal to achieve or aspirations to attend to, this placement can present in individuals that are emotional about productivity but often not overly concerned with interpersonal matters. Add to that, these individuals sometimes have a difficulty with organized religion or their personal relationship to it. Depending on chart aspects/patterns this ascendant can be prone to depression, especially if there seems to be obstacle after obstacle in obtaining the level of achievement they desire... Not ones to give up though, they are diligent by nature and are almost always ambitious enough to gather the gusto needed to overcome any hard knocks life chooses to toss their way.
Aquarius ... Aquarius in the First does not fit into societal norms. Nor do they really care to blend in... They are eccentric, often very liberal, and have quite a rebellious streak which they utilize maintaining authority over their life.... While they can preside over others pretty efficiently, they are not often ones to accept subordinance to others even in the workplace and will demand autonomy given to them... As so, if it is your wish to boss an Aquarius ascendant around, good luck!
Pisces... Those with Pisces at the onset of their charting are incredibly sensitive souls that are here for a profound purpose.... These individuals have an open heart and search for all the happiness and loving feelings they can possibly collect... This emotional openness about themselves often proves a difficulty in a world that can be cruel and unforgiving... It is very important for Pisces ascendants to overtly focus on practicing grounded thought. Making this conscious effort assists in their ability to follow through, which can be found lacking with this house placement... As it's not something that necessarily comes native to them, rationality is a process learned overtime and needs to be let flourished naturally, otherwise it will come at the expensive of their creative nature ... As dreamers, these souls are much more adept in deciphering the subconscious influences within their life, than the factual ones. It's exactly this dreamy and whimsical energy that leaves them with one foot on earth and one in the clouds. The mystical quality about them goes hand in hand with the fact they seem to always know what is left unspoken.
Be on the lookout for the proceeding houses in this series to post over the coming days!
I adore MMM. I trust her "Conduit-intuitiveness" and the beauty that resides within her. Such a Genuine Spirit and Treasured Truth Seeker Sister.