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Writer's pictureMystic Moon Momma

Signs Within the Third House.

The Third House is known to regard 'Messages.' Here we see attitudes towards self-expression and varying levels of intelligence. In many ways it will showcase how much we share with the world around us, and in what capacity. As so it sits with a Gemini undertone to its energy but the zodiac you hold here dictates further influences...

Third House: How We Communicate

Aries ... When the Third House resides in action paced Aries it results in a mind that just won’t stop!! These are the aggressive idea makers, and those that can maintain clear reasoning in a fast-paced world.  That is of course if ladened anger issues are resolved.  Otherwise, the natives with this placement will learn that there are consequences to the word choice they use when amid confrontations.  It's not that these individuals won’t mean what they say, rather their mind will work so fast as to not filter any retort before its delivered.  

      Taurus ... Like most things Taurus this association highlights very practical personalities.... Their focus through communication is financial gain or at least it appears that way on the surface... They are quite creative and efficient communicators having an ease in which they can handle daily routine and tedious tasks... Through this ability to take responsibility for items that others don't want to, they find their niche and ultimately a way to see material gain manifest from their words.


The only drawback to this position being they can struggle with change and will be forced to take lesson in flexibility from time to time, remembering not everybody communicates in the same manner.


      Gemini ... Gemini energy is of course at home here in the Third were seeking connections, being of service, and the conveyance of ideas are fundamental forms of communication… Those with this placement tend to be very talkative personalities who possess a very clear mind and the ability to choose their words eloquently in all situations. No matter whom they are addressing, there is a confidence in them being properly equipped to get their point across in a meaningful way... Firmly being in command of their message at all times would of course breed such confidence.... Gemini-in-the-Third individuals do possess the ability to overthink however and are sometimes in need of a healthy dose of compassion, regarding themselves in particular.  Remembering the world is not always in the mind there should be importance placed to incorporate also the body and soul in any attempt to center these persons…. It is a lesson they will be taught time and again until they learn to place self-care routines and boundaries higher amongst priorities ...

      Cancer ... Those with Cancer in their Third House tend to inherit the way they communicate and think from their families. It being deeply rooted throughout their ancestry line... This can be for good or bad... If they come from a family of higher education, they too will likely be highly educated ... If there is some sort of mental illness in the family, it most of the time is hereditary... The key obstacle for these individuals is to accept the fact that they can think with reason and simultaneously allow emotion into their communicative expression. They don't have to be mutually exclusive.


      Leo ... Having a Leo influence here means one can easily slip into a 'Me' mentality.... This can greatly frustrate any relationships they are part, and it will be essential for them to set clear expectations of how they choose to operate with the outside world... The more enlightened these individuals become the easier it will be to put this natural tendency aside, nurture the child within, and heal any need to overcompensate for attention.

      Virgo ... Those with Virgo controlling their Third House tend to get dogged down in the details.  Virgos are nothing if not good at finding faults, those within themselves and society in general.  This can be very tiring and those with this placement often suffer from a pessimistic view relating to others, if not full-on depression.  It's not that they don’t wish to be happy, but they have been let down repeatedly, to the point it's developed into a 'nitpick first, celebrate later' mentality to how they communicate.  Sarcasm reigns supreme here being something of a Virgo superpower and those with this placement wield it accordingly sometimes hoping it will soften their delivery.  

      Libra ... Libra is the sign of 'The Moderator' ... The person always wanting to find harmony within the situation or solution. This will lead these personalities to think and speak of other people more than of their own opinion... This can be good for relationships, as they are finely attuned to pleasing their partner, however their indecisiveness on the part of their own story can prove problematic for themselves...


These personalities make great judges of the moment and communicating criticism when needed as they can do so in a polite way. However, they have to find their own confidence and clarity, otherwise they will become lost in constantly searching to include others' opinions in their reality.

      Scorpio ... The Third House holding the essence of our day-to-day inter-monologue gets exemplified when we bring such an intense energy as that of Scorpio to the mix. Having this deep-water style of communication sees a native probe theirs and others psyche quite often... This is an emotional placement and one in which the native would greatly benefit from a way to creatively express themselves in order to release the tensions that Scorpio energy brings... Individuals with this placement tend to have a dark sense of humor and always want to see 'behind the curtain' of others' communications... "What is this person leaving out?" "What are they not telling me?"


The Scorpion present here brings a sharp wit, and a mind fascinated with the Sciences, Mysticism, and the analyzable darker nature of life.


      Sagittarius ... The philosopher's energy is comfortable here in the realm of thought... This placement being populated with optimists, travelers, and teachers... These are persons who never want to stop learning... Those with this fire Third have a gift for gab, love to discuss their views, but will absolutely always want to look at the positives rather than waste time arguing...

Some get confused by their more talkative nature, especially considering often their viewpoints can be conflicting. To the outside looking in, it seems as if they themselves are confused or lost... Which is really not the case. It's just that a Sagittarian Thirds' wide viewpoint leads them to cherry pick what they resonate with... It does not bother them if everything does not fit seamlessly. Instead, they see it as a unique part of themselves.


      Capricorn ... Those with Capricorn in their Third House are very strong individuals who are dominant in the way of communicating, but in maintaining this, so often allow themselves to get run down in the process... It is almost as if they overthink all the conversations that they have, or might have, and then exhaust themselves... They would find it beneficial to maintain strong boundaries and to take breaks away from people who make them explain themselves... This is a placement that can very seriously overwork someone's mental wellness and lead to long-term stressors.

      Aquarius ... Having an Aquarian flair to one's Third translates to them being souls perpetually around to give advice to others... This is whether they have been asked it or not... Always ones having a strong sense of liberal expression and wide view they have the ability to hold alternative reasoning making them key candidates in fields such as astrology, invention, and psychology... They must keep in mind though, that without a strong body, the mind is weak … Trying to keep a balance between overworking their mind and giving the body the nutrients and nourishment it needs often becomes a lifetime exercise.

      Pisces... Those with Pisces in this Mercury influenced House bring an emotional spin to their communication style... This can be a wonderful trait as so any latent victim-like mentality that often circles Pisces is kept in check... There can be an incessant need to vocalize where they feel they have been wronged so clarity within their expression can be overshadowed by this tendency... Contrary to what one might think too, the intuitive messages given to these natives and the watery aspect of other psychic abilities can be confusing for these individuals instead of dialed in. It can make it hard to focus, especially if the Moon and Neptune placements within one's chart are strong.

 Look for the continuation of this series forthcoming...

Blessings unto thee, and so it is.


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